
(中翻英) 關鍵字詞(位置) 問題重點(租車還車)


(1)問一:我現在人在三蕃市國際機場入境大廳,請問你們在此處有租車櫃檯嗎?它位於此廳的何處?對不起,您剛剛說的那個櫃檯它位於幾樓?你們在SANTA CRUZ有設分公司嗎?我想在這兒租車在SANTA CRUZ還車,我需為此付額外的費用嗎?我在此訂完車之後多久我可以有車用?你們是否有優惠或折扣,如果我連續租7天?我只在加州用車不到別州去。 更新: 1.口語化 2.附帶多種問法語句為佳.3.謝謝大家


前面幾句應該是打電話詢問 應版大需求 我翻得比較口語..而且容易記住 希望對版大有幫助 我現在人在三蕃市國際機場入境大廳,請問你們在此處有租車櫃檯嗎?它位於此廳的何處? I am now at the arrival hall of San Francisco International Airport. I would like to rent a car. Do you have any office around here in the airport? Could you please tell me where exactly the office is? 對不起,您剛剛說的那個櫃檯它位於幾樓? Excuse me, on which floor is the office you were saying? 你們在SANTA CRUZ有設分公司嗎? Do you have any office in Santa Cruz? 我想在這兒租車在SANTA CRUZ還車,我需為此付額外的費用嗎? I'd like to rent a car here (at the airport), and return it in Santa Cruz. (I'd like to pick up the rental car here, and drop off the car in Santa Cruz.) Do I have to pay more for this? (Do I have to be charged for this?) 用 a car 或 the car 要看是不是已經講好哪部車了 若尚未決定..用 a car 若已決定..用 the car 我在此訂完車之後多久我可以有車用? When can I pick up the car after I make a reservation? 你們是否有優惠或折扣,如果我連續租7天?我只在加州用車不到別州去。 Do you have any special offer if I rent a car for 7 days? I will only travel within California, not going any other states. 重要名詞如下供參 租車 rent a car 訂車 book a car / reserve a car / make a reservation 拿車 pick up a car 還車 drop off a car / return a car 提早還車 early return 延遲還車 late return 相同地點還車 drop off at the same location/office 不同地點還車 dorp off at a different location/office


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